Linden's Story
What a weekend! It's Tuesday morning and it seems as though we were just pulling up to the hospital at 11:45 on Friday night...
So, as I intimated in a poorly constructed email from the hospital, Laura executed on what is soon to be a best-selling labor inducement strategy at the end of last week -
- Wednesday - walking, walking, walking the streets of San Fran
- Thursday - spicy falafel for dinner!
- Friday - yoga in the afternoon. "last date" of Mexican food and pretend margaritas (walking, walking, walking).
By this point in the evening, we needed to get in the car and go home - contractions were getting regular and stronger. After, timing and writing these down for another hour or so, we decided walking the dog was in order. Only this wasn't a regular walk - as i glance to the side i see my laboring wife doing... lunges down the sidewalk!!! Get the bags ready and the keys in the ignition, is all i can think!
Once we arrived at Good Sam, Laura (you guessed it) walked to the delivery room where she was promptly checked in for good - this was the real deal. A sleepless evening gave us a chance to ponder what was before us. The epidural followed in the early morning hours, which was largely a success, save a side turn which left Laura in some serious pain before the anesthesiologist came back for the adjustment ("oh, he's just in a C section now Laura, is it ok if he stops in in about 40 minutes?" arghhh)
Delivery, i have to say, was so cool (easy for me to say!). Laura's doc Charlene showed up just after the 1st couple pushes. The nurse actually had to tell her to wait, as the doc was still 5-10 minutes out! Once she arrived, Laura turned gave several stong pushes to the soundtrack of her "labor #2" mix which happened to be playing Dave Matthews when we were greeted by little Linden - "what a cool song to deliver to" Charlene mentioned, as she explained that she and her daughter are going to the upcoming DMB show here in a few weeks.
The next couple hours, of course, were a blur of euphoria, adrenaline and just basically a feeling that can only be experienced! Numbers and positive reinforcements followed - 11:41 am, 7.9 lbs, 20" long, 8-9 apgar (great!), she looks very healthy and is crying. Even a partial feeding began to cement the mother-daughter bond.
A roll to postpartum followed along with a sponge bath (for Linden ;), a few more tests and finally a chance to be alone with our daughter - what a cool time for a new family. After a full feeding, she was down in the bassinet and some rest was finally ours. And - i swear to you - she may have had a halo around her! of course, i can't say for sure as i was very tired...
Feeding, burping (mostly Linden), napping was the plan for the next 24 hours or so - neighbors and friends guests came bearing flowers, gifts and food which was such a nice surprise for us.
And our time had finally come to meet the outside world, but not before a series of visitors for screenings, tests and an official record for Linden. Pulling away from the hospital with the new precious cargo is another feeling not to be missed for its mix of joy, anticipation and a little bit of "what have we gotten ourselves into now?"
And the Jeep pulled up to our new house in the midday sun of San Jose, and Linden was finally home... :)