Nana, Thank you for; the cute Hanna Anderson outfits, the tag blankie, the "does this make my butt look big?" onsie, the endless smiles when you saw Linden, the premie Janie and Jack outfits, the sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, the words of wisdom, the breastfeeding book, the icepacks, dinner at Mimi's, curious george book and beanie baby, jokes about Grandpa Salerno's lazy eye, the walks with Linden, the walks with Bruno, doing the laundry, putting Linden to sleep, waking Linden up, the burping, the rocking Linden to sleep, the dinner preperations, the cute gymboree outfits, the frozen yogurt, the hummingbird feeder and book, the fudgecicles, the wasp spray, getting up at 3 am to console us, the Rachel Ray dinners, loading Linden in the car and bugaboo, breakfast at Stack's... We are surely forgetting many other things. Most of all, thank you for your time. This will surely be a visit to remember forever. We'll be sure to explain to Linden how spoiled she was by Nana in the first few weeks of her life. We love you! Did we mention all the diaper changes???