So Nana wanted to see some more pics, eventhough we are going to be there in a week! Here they are Nana- just for you. Please note how she stands to make herself looks "slimmer"- a true super-model! Ha!
Here's Lindy in her winter hat for when we go to Chicago. Bruno was not that amussed that she was much cutier as a puppy dog! The hat came with some "paw" mittens too! How cute~!
We went to a Christmas Festival in Redwood City- they had a block of "real" snow- made by a machine. It was the 1st time Linden had seen it! It was really fun to watch the kids playing! You can see how sunny it was- surprise the snow did not melt! Hopefully we'll see some real snow in Chicago or Minneapolis for Christmas!
Here are a few pics of Linden enjoying her kix this morning... Also are some photos of our latest DIH (do it herself!) project- our kitchen nook! It looks like a little cafe spot! I love it! ANd Grammy Jan put the "Bon Appitito" on the wall at Thanksgiving!
Grammy Jan and Uncle Eric came into San Fran on Tuesday and got to stay thru Sat. It was a really great time and Linden loved having them here! We went to Baker beach- with the Golden gate in the background, and walked around Hayes Valley in SF. We had a great turkey on Thanksgiving Day, and went for a hike after hitting the Stanford Shopping center. It was really great to see them, and spend our holiday with Family!
So we had a great weekend- celebrating Brett's birthday. We went over to a neighbors/friends place on Saturday for dinner and we danced until the wee hours of the am! It was so much fun- as you can see Linden, and her friend Riley, were there for dinner and then asleep for the dancing!
Linden enjoyed handing out candy! We went to the neighbors for some trick-or-treating training- it was fun to show off our little cowgirl- everyone got a kick out of her! Our neighbors even had a "body" on their front porch! People really got into in in our neighborhood and we ran out of candy!
Linden and the Dr. Suess "things" teins from the neighborhood- so cute! The blue feather heads sort of freaked out Linden! This little cowpoke was tired after music class this week- all the costumes were too much fun!
We went to music class in our Halloween costume today- Linden really likes the cowgirl hat on day two of the costume wearing! Pretty funny!
We went to Santana Row for the Mommy and Me on the Row- just like last year! It was fun- Lauren and Ryleigh were there and Tira and Eva- see pics. It was really fun and the wheather was soo beautiful! Trick-or-treat!
FYI- As I was uploading the pics we had an earthquake- enough to shake the "begesus" out of me and the wine glasses! Yuck- I hate those! 5.6 says the latest news online!