They seem to be warming up to each other, but sometimes Bruno still doesn't want to be friends. We think he misses the days pre-Linden, where he was spoiled daily and he was our baby! They seem to want to hang out more and more.
We went Woodside for a leasurely picnic on Saturday. It was just enough activity to take a nap in a field with Linden. It was beautiful and the most perfect weather! We even put a flower in Linden's hair.
Linden loves to read- we've been reading to her almost EVERY night. It's a fun family activity and we hope she grows up to like books too! Sesame Street's "Bubbles bubbles" is on the top of her list!
Friday, we bbq outside with our new candles for our umbrella, from Nana for Mother's day. Then, on Sat., we went wine tasting- yet again! Some friends of Brett's at Cisco told us about this winery that usually is not open to the public, but they had an open house. We packed a picnic and went for another day at the vineyard. It was a lot of fun. We also walked to the Sunset magazine fair, down the street in Menlo Park. We went with Lauren, Brian and Ryleigh. It was fun, and we got to have some roasted corn on the cob- Laura's fav! What a great Cali wekkend.....
We went wine tasting on Mother's Day. Karen had never been to the local wineries, so we decided to show her how amazing it is. We went to Ridge and Pichetti Winery in Cupertino. It was a beautiful day, so we had a picnic at Ridge and enjoyed the wine in the beautiful sun. It was such a special day for us, and we will remember it well!
Mark and Maribeth had their baby boy on Saturday morning- just in time for Mother's Day! We went to the hospital to visit. Brett still has the magic touch with the little babies- he put Quinlan right to sleep! Brett's known Mark since his frat days at UW- so he was giving Mark tips on how to get a good night's sleep!
Karen came from Chicago this weekend to visit. we went into the city on Saturday and went to the beach (really chilly!) and walked around Fillmore Street. It was like old times again! It was really great to see her and show her our new place. We even got a babysitter on Sat and went to dinner in Palo Alto. Karen brought a cubs hat for Linden- see pic! Now she can start cheering for the Cubbies! Thanks for coming Poodle! We miss you allready!
Linden LOVES the bath these days, when we turn the water on, she gets so excited. She's a little wiggle, too! Wiggling all over the place in the tub- it's so cute. Brett and I really enjoy bath time too, since we know she's having a great time.
We have been living in our backyard these days, the weather has been so great and Linden really likes eating outside. Having the yard has been a real blessing and we did not know how much we would enjoy it- which turns out to be pretty much everyday!
Kelly and Luke came to San Fran this weekend. We went to Nola's in Palo Alto for Margaritas on Cinco de Mayo and then had dinner at our place. As you can see Linden loved Kelly- and the smiles were all around. It was great to see them and hang out for a while.