So there was a meeting over coffee with the superindendant of Menlo Park schools this morning at our neighborhood cafe. I, very hesitantly, took Thatcher to the meeting thinking I could occupy him while I listened to what the Superindendant had to say. I was the only one with a child there- that was the first sign! And Thatcher was fine until about 10 minutes into it- he wanted out of the stroller. "Okay, I will take you out and hold you, if you'll be quiet", I thought.
Nope- he was squaking and mumbling and making grunting noises like we came from the zoo or something! I ammused the noise for all I could and then started pulling baby items from my reserve- the bouncing deer, the squeeky panda, a spoon, my keys, the coffee insulator from my drink, I was running out of things when Thatcher proceeded to spit up all down my right leg and INTO my shoe! Nice shot little guy. When a mom next to me gasped, I knew I had to exit. Spit up sliding downto my toes through my Boden loafers, wow!! It was embarassing and I now know that I will not be serving on the PTO board anytime soon!
Please be a phase Thatcher- I am not sure how to function with a cute little monkey- boy to apologize for all day!

It's a good thing he's so darn cute!

This is not at the meeting, but you get the idea what his scream sounds like.....
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