running along- Brett caught me before the finish turn- it was motivation to see them at the finish!

My partner in crime, Kelley. I call her my "running bitch", but we motivated each other to the finish!

We stopped in HMB to pick out a pumpkin to carve for Linden. She liked the Martha Stewart pumpkins- hmmmm, I wonder where she gets that???

She was tired after picking out a pumpkin. Wait a second- WHO just ran a 10K???

This is us LAST YEAR in HMB picking out a pumpkin! WOW-how time flies!
My friend, Kelley and I ran the 10k this am in Half Moon Bay- if you remember, I ran it last year. It is such a beautiful run on the coast, I decided to do it again. Mind you I ran it about 10 minutes faster than last year!
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