All done! Linden got another "check mark" for swimming to the wall all by herself- which means 2 more and she's off to level 2!!!
We love "Teacher Colin"! He's done wonders for Linden's swimming and is so fantastic! Linden is always asking when we can see him again and what he is doing. We even saw him after lessons one day in his car- a mini cooper- and now whenever we see one- she thinks it's Teacher Colin and we should stop and say "HI!"
The first day of swim lessons, Linden cried the ENTIRE time and did not want anything to do with him, but now, she's swimming underwater all by herself and loving it! She always comes ups smiling, it's so adorable.
The first day of swim lessons, Linden cried the ENTIRE time and did not want anything to do with him, but now, she's swimming underwater all by herself and loving it! She always comes ups smiling, it's so adorable.
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