Dear Thatcher-
You are 1 now and the determination in your eyes is even stronger! You HATE to be contained- in your car seat, high chair or even in our arms! You have always hated getting changed and would prefer to just stay in your jammies all day!

You love meatballs and fish nuggets. Strawberries that started a few weeks ago are always a pleasure and the cherry consumption is a little out of hand! You love pirate's booty and pretty much anything chrunchy!

You smile and laugh when your big sister makes funny noises and you love a dance party like Mommy and Linden. You are going to be a soccer stud because you love to scoot and push/roll a ball along the floor and fallow it. Or a race car driver- you LOVE your little blue and red push car-the feeling of wind through your curly locks always puts a smile from ear to ear! You like crawling up the stairs and you always look to make sure we are watching you.

The other day you said "bye-bye" at the Dr. office and you sometimes say "mum-mum" for Mommy! You are a great squealer and cry if you don't get your way! Like I said- the determation!
Daddy calls you "Big T" or Mr. Standy, Mommy calls you "Peanut" or "Thatchy" and Linden calls you her "chubby Bubby".

We love you BIG guy. You have brightened out lives in so many ways and we feel so lucky to have you in our hearts! You have not been easy this past year, but we'll take it. We can't wait to watch you grow more and more and see what other things you will love.
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