grammy jan came to visit this past weekend. linden was in heaven- she was so excited to spend time with grammy. the two of them were inseperable all weekend- games, books, and the kiddie pool. we even got our nails done and grammy and lindy lu had the same color- linden had sparkles on top though.
we went to filoli garden and checked out all the spring flowers, it was beautiful!

can you guess what they are laughing at?? yes, it's the "copycat" app on my phone- linden thinks its the funniest thing!

here is a photo that linden took of grammy- she screams, "now do a funny face!" it was priceless.

you can't hold him back....
i think he needs a haircut,
look at that hairdo.

thatcher loves the morning doves at filoli

apple orchard

my little girl is getting so BIG- she has such an amazing personality and i am so proud that she is part of me- what a joy.

click image to see larger- what a ham... ilton
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