Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I ordered this scooter for Linden and did not tell her- while we were eating dinner the UPS truck pulled up and behold- the pink scooter I had dreamed of...
We told Linden if she ate her dinner, she could open the "mystery package".
After dinner, we opened it with a GIANT "it's a scooter" scream that erupted through the house- music to my ears. She was so genuinely excited, it brought a tear to my eye~! Something so simple....
Anyway- so we hit the street- with a helmet- thanks Daddy! The entire time- the ENTIRE time- she had a smile on her face. Even when running into the side walk at full speed and falling off, smiling! She has yet to master the steering aspect, but is so quick to learn!
To say the least- it was a purchase that was well worth the wait and I am sure we have many nights of "scootin'" ahead of us! And the cherry on the top- she thinks the UPS man bought it for her- she kept saying, "thank you UPS man!"
No need to thank mommy- (I just ordered it and bought it!!) :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Say a little prayer for Pappy

Linden and Pappy in February

So Pappy is back in the hospital after a week in a rehab facility for a massive stroke and heart attack. He's in Rockford,IL- about an hour from my parents and it seems all too far away right now. He's a tough guy and I hope that he can fight to stay with us longer. I love my Pappy so much and he's been such a big part of my life. He's a strong willed (stubborn) Italian that needs a prayer. I love you Bruno!

Shea turns 3!

"Mommy, don't take my picture! It's dinner time!"

The sweet Birthday Girl- I mean Tinkerbell!

All the kids were sooo excited for this cake, I was too. :)

The jumpy house slide-Linden's fav!
(Click to see her face larger)

We went over to Stacy's yesterday for a 3rd Birthday party for Shea yesterday- they had a bounce house and slide- Linden was in HEAVEN! It was fun to see all the kids flying down the slide. She had a Tinkerbell outfit on and when the Tinkerbell came came- the kids could not get their piece soon enough. It was so fun and I can't believe they are all going to be 3 this year- how time flies....

Swimimg with Lauren

I need some "scum-screem" Mommy!

A true Diva

Having a bite of Cheerios after the swim!


We had Lauren and Adam over for a swim when it was so HOT- thankfully it's much cooler now! Thank God- pregnant Mommies are not good with heat- or at least THIS pregnant Mommy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

95 and sunny!

So-we are having a little heat wave here- seems to happen at least once in the spring. Brett's working his magic on trying to keep it cool in the house and I am wishing for central AC! It's something nobody seems to have here- "but it's 95 degrees outside>??????" is all I am thinking! Bruno is even sweating through his cute doggy fur! It's HOT! ( and I am pregnant- can someone cut me some slack?) No- it's not that bad, I am NOT complaining about our beautiful wheather! That would not be fair to our friends stuck back in Chicago where it's barely 50 and raining! Not fair at all- but it still doesn't change the fact that it's HOT- damn HOT!
Anyway, we put the pool together for an afternoon swim- Linden was soo excited she stripped down right there...."let's go swimming Mommy!" Maybe then I can shut up about how HOT it is- "Linden-good idea, hunny"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary Hammy

i heart you....

Half moon bay for dinner and fun

Linden loves the beach!

Linden thought the waves were a little much- and it was really cold!

Getting water from the ocean.

Digging a hole

She's finding a shells for me.

we went to HMB to order pizza at the beach, such fun! linden loves the sand and she found me lots of shells.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Celebrating 7 years married

We got gelato after dinner, just like our honeymoon in Italy! Seven years have flown by, what fun we have.... And sooo much more to come.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lauren and Linden

This is Lauren, our friend who lives down the street. Her Mom, Kelley, and I are partners in crime!! We hang out all the time and I enjoy every minute!!
We went to the park yesterday and the girls had a ball, allthough Linden wanted me to carry her home, but I made her sit in the wagon with Lauren and she cried most of the way back!!! Poor kid, her Mommy can't carry her with this ever- growing belly!

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nana's custom PB chair

So my Mom just about drove herself CRAZY making this chair for Linden- she earned an engeniring degree when she was done! It's so beautiful- even Bruno loves it. I hated the fabric choices at Pottery Barn Kids- so my mom and I picked out this BEAUTIFUL fabric- it looks so beautiful!
Thanks again Nana!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

I LOVE this photograph! I just love how Linden is holding her hand on my baby belly, she's just so sweet about her inpending brother.
(Click on image to see larger.)

Easter Morning

Looking for her Easter basket....

She found it!

The Easter bunny came this morning....linden could not be happier!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

San Diego!

Morning stroll on PB- Pacific Beach

Being goofey at Urban Outfitters

The entire Williams clan at Jake's parents house after the shower

haute Mamas!

The preggos!

We hopped on a flight for a weekend getaway sans Linden, to San Diego, while my Mom was in town. It was the first time Brett and I have stayed in a hotel room, without Linden since BEFORE she was born! It was sooo fantastic to getaway and sleep in. Rachel Mix Williams is pregnant with their first, (a BOY!) and her shower was on Saturday. We had a great time seeing them and catching up since they now live in San Diego.
We had a romantic dinner in La Jolla on Friday and relaxed on the beach when we could. We even got to hot-tub for a minute (being sure not to cook my little baby!)
It was great!