It's a new room-(downstairs) and a new bed! Linden is sleeping in her "big girl Bed" that we have been talking about for weeks! As I type, she is quitely sleeping in there! She loved her crib and if we were not having another baby and needed it- I would leave her in it until she was ready to leave for college....
She seems to like it soo far though! Let's keep our fingers crossed!
I had this bright idea-like I do when I am pregnant- to upholster the bed. So, when my Mom was here, I put her to work and she helped me finish the bed and get it together- which was a feat in itself- it weighs about 500 lbs.
We reconfigured the floor tiles (www.flor.com), rearranged her closet, added all her necessities, hung pictures and my Mom even made a slipcover for the bed-rail! It looks awesome and I am sure Linden will love being in her new room!
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