So-we are having a little heat wave here- seems to happen at least once in the spring. Brett's working his magic on trying to keep it cool in the house and I am wishing for central AC! It's something nobody seems to have here- "but it's 95 degrees outside>??????" is all I am thinking! Bruno is even sweating through his cute doggy fur! It's HOT! ( and I am pregnant- can someone cut me some slack?) No- it's not that bad, I am NOT complaining about our beautiful wheather! That would not be fair to our friends stuck back in Chicago where it's barely 50 and raining! Not fair at all- but it still doesn't change the fact that it's HOT- damn HOT!
Anyway, we put the pool together for an afternoon swim- Linden was soo excited she stripped down right there...."let's go swimming Mommy!" Maybe then I can shut up about how HOT it is- "Linden-good idea, hunny"
Anyway, we put the pool together for an afternoon swim- Linden was soo excited she stripped down right there...."let's go swimming Mommy!" Maybe then I can shut up about how HOT it is- "Linden-good idea, hunny"
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