I ordered this scooter for Linden and did not tell her- while we were eating dinner the UPS truck pulled up and behold- the pink scooter I had dreamed of...
We told Linden if she ate her dinner, she could open the "mystery package".
After dinner, we opened it with a GIANT "it's a scooter" scream that erupted through the house- music to my ears. She was so genuinely excited, it brought a tear to my eye~! Something so simple....
Anyway- so we hit the street- with a helmet- thanks Daddy! The entire time- the ENTIRE time- she had a smile on her face. Even when running into the side walk at full speed and falling off, smiling! She has yet to master the steering aspect, but is so quick to learn!
To say the least- it was a purchase that was well worth the wait and I am sure we have many nights of "scootin'" ahead of us! And the cherry on the top- she thinks the UPS man bought it for her- she kept saying, "thank you UPS man!"
No need to thank mommy- (I just ordered it and bought it!!) :)
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