Thursday, January 25, 2007

Grandpa Hamilton in SJ

Grandpa Hamilton had some work in San Fran earlier this week and wrapped up his visit with a stop in San Jose, and stayed with us for a night. His "senior citizen discount" birthday is coming up next week, and we got to wish him an early birthday. We had dinner at Cafe Marcella in Los Gatos, which was really good! Linden likes seeing her Grandpa every month! That's great!
Note: Brett and his Dad in matching garb!! The universal blue shirt! Too funny!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

on the roll

Linden is rolling over; left and right! She loves hanging out on the floor with us and she's getting very close to rolling from front to back! She's also really long- she only fits into 6 month clothes with her height!

Monday, January 15, 2007

MLK Jr. Day in San Fran

We headed to San Fran for the day, since Daddy had the day off for MLK Jr. Day. It was a fun time at the Golden Gate Park in the Japanese Tea Garden. Then to the park, where Linden swang on her first swing! She was a little scared at first- but then REALLY liked it and did not want to leave the park! We headed over to Union Street and did some shopping- it was a great day!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

She loves the Exersaucer!

Linden is just now starting to really enjoy the exersaucer more and more! She turns the wheels on it and can't stop pressing the animal buttons! It's a great toy for all of us- she can keep herself occupied while Mommy and Daddy have dinner. She also loves to put her legs straight and stand- she's going to be walking in no time!

Friday, January 05, 2007

goofing around

Linden loves her laser light "orb" that santa brought- it has been the source of her entertainment lately! As you can see she is transfixed and amazed with the lights! She's just been hanging out with Mommy and going with the flow. These are just a few pics of us hanging out in the kitchen.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our little Badger's first win........

Linden put her game gear on and we went over to the Wilson's place on New Years Day to watch Wisconsin win over Arkansas. Our friends, Brian and Lauren are due on January 20th- so they are getting ready for the arrival of their little girl, Ryleigh. Lauren, being from Memphis, made back eyed-peas and cornbread and it was the best meal Brett and I have had in a long time! Brett was so excited for our little Badger to get a taste of victory! On the same note, Linden has started screeching and screaming- definatly finding her voice! Oh, YES! That is us sitting OUTSIDE on New Years Day- a first for the Hamilton's!We think the win was a great way to start off 2007! Go Badgers!

Monday, January 01, 2007

happy new year! 2007

We went to our friend's place, cathy and rob's, for new years eve- had a great dinner party and then headed home for the countdown- we celebrated Chicago-time and went to bed!!! Midnight seemed a little late for us!! Linden had a great time with her friends, Avery, Jake and soon-to-be Lincoln!!!
Happy new year to you and yours!