Sunday, May 30, 2010

Uncle Joe, watermelon and new summer jammies

Uncle Joe is in town for a convention and we met Him in San Fran on Friday for dinner and drinks. Had a great time!
That's a Linden Street brew in UJ's hand too!!!

Thatcher- double fisting the watermelon- he loves it!

Such a beautiful baby!!

New summer jammies! Thatcher has the same ones in brown! Linden loves the matching with Thatcher- we are calling these the "little short-ies"!!!

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Mommy's hat

Had a great time at the pool-4.5 hours today!!!
Linden has grown gills and stud underwater for minutes at a time!

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Razberry hands

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Playin' together

Thatcher is more expressive and Linden has really picked up on that- they have been playing together and having a great time together! It's great that they have eachother!!!

Thatcher saying, "Oh-look! She's playing with me!!" I love that face!!!! He's so funny!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Biker dude

A friend of mine gave us a seat for Thatcher to ride my bike with me- he's my "co-pilot"!!!
Helmet and all....

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Almost 10 Months

Thatcher has been a little cranky lately, since he's teething (getting the top canine teeth)- but he's such a sweetheart- such a love!

He wants to climb and stand on everything- he's taking assisted steps when we hold his hands and will be walking around by his first birthday, no doubt. Something Linden did not do until she was well over one! He needs to to keep up with his fast sister. We are so lucky and blessed with healthy, happy and lively kids.

Standing....on his own.

All of us

I took this pic of Hammy and Linden almost 3.5 years ago

And Brett took this one of Thatcher and me today

And here we all are- Thatcher and Linden were the same age- our "baby family"
And believe it or not- I think Linden was pudgier than Thatcher.
Is that possible?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Up early for a walk

It's gonna be a sunny beautiful day!!!

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little Gardner

Our gardners left the dropped lemons this week- so we put Linden to work! She picked up the nasty lemons- but she needed the glove!! Just like her mommy!!

Smirky smirk!

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tubby man

After 3 swimming lessons, Thatcher is just having a ball in the water- and the tubby.

Look at that tooshie!!!;)

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Our little dog walker

Linden loves walking Bruno- they are so cute!

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Smile! It's ravioli nite....

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Swing buddies

Look at Thatcher's teeth! He's been teething this week- soon we'll see 2 on top!

We went to the park today- just the three of us. I packed a lunch and we hung out- I have been terrible about taking my camera places lately- the Iphone does'nt do my kiddos justice! They are so darn cute- if I do say so myself! I am so very grateful for these little bundles of joy. There are days that I just don't know where I will find the energy to run after them- but when the day is over- I love them more!

Slip and slide

Summer is here and the slip in slide is out!
Lauren and Linden had a great time with the water.

Linden holding Adam's hand- so sweet!

She overshot the mark here...

This was Thatcher- he was sad he did not get to slip and slide.
No- just kidding! He has two teeth coming in on the top and he was MISERABLE tonite- poor little guy!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Day in review

Haircut or Linden

Thatcher at the park

Thus guy loves the swing!!

Linden in the tubby- look at the cutie tooshie!!

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"happy mudders day"

Linden woke me up saying "happy mudders day mommy!" and she sang her secrect mothers day song! She's so darn cute!
She even made me a flower pen that goes in a pot! She's sucha sweetheart!

Look at this fun bag she made too!!!

Thatch sporting his new hat!

He wants to stand on anything and everything!!! Such a strong little guy!

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Happy birthday Stacy!

Kelley and I planned a party for Stacy's birthday on Friday- we had too much fun!!

We got cocktail rings for everyone- I sewed little ring pouches for them!

Happy Birthday!!!

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