Friday, February 18, 2011

its raining, its pouring....

we have had a wet week and the kids were getting a little stir crazy- as was Mom. so we swung open the door and they went to town with the water- a small tupperware for Thatch seems to do the trick in the rain- he had a great time in his raincoat. this is the thing about never know how its going to work for YOUR kid. someone gave us this raincoat and i remember thinking, "yeah right! like I would ever let my 12 month old out in the rain!"
sure enough, here we are; a toddler tramping in the rain. the hood did not quite move with his head- he could not see anything out of the side of his hood- he was like a happy horse in central park.

love this little girl- she is always helping Thatcher and smiling all the way. lulu is really an "old soul". she loves the simple things and i find her laughing at the most ordinary things. i love that she has a wonderful sense of humor.

she loves working the camera lately- its really cute. then again, maybe it was the fact that we have been stuck in the house for the last 3 days- she was just happy to be outside.
we are headed to the beach tomorrow- stay here rain and bring on the sunshine in the sand.

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